The Alvheim field which is located in the central North Sea comprises the Kneler, Boa and Kameleon discoveries and is being developed by a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel the “Alvheim FPSO”. The FPSO was converted from the multipurpose shuttle tanker Odin with an overall length of 252.16m, as well as a 42m moulded breadth and a 23.2m moulded depth. The Alvheim purpose-designed FPSO vessel has a design capacity of 120,000 b/d of oil and 125 MMcfd of natural gas with storage capacity of 560,000 bbl of oil.
Randridge carried out the Electrical and Instrumentation works for this project. This included the removal and safe disposal of old equipment, the construction and installation on the onboard production facility. Our scope also included the inspection and pre-commissioning of the electrical and instrumentation installations.